10335 Plews & Edelmann Disc-Drum Wheel Bearing Biobased Grease - 120 Lbs Metal Drum | 48WS

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Disc-Drum Wheel Bearing Biobased Grease - 120 Lbs Metal Drum


Plews & Edelmann

Disc/Drum Wheel Bearing Biobased Grease / 120 lb. Metal Drum
(click image to enlarge)
Quick Overview

  • 120 Lb. (54.4 Kg) Metal Drum.
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120 lb. (54.4 kg) metal drum.

Greases :
UltraLube professional-grade, biobased greases have a naturally higher viscosity index than petroleum-based greases, so they're less likely to "thin down" at higher temperatures, resulting in less friction, heat and wear. Contain no VOCs and readily mix with petroleum-based greases. Non-flammable, with extremely high flash points. Non-toxic, biodegradable formulations are recommended for environmentally sensitive areas near waterways. Most UltraLube greases are USDA BioPreferred registered and listed.

Additional Information
Manufacturer: Plews & Edelmann
For More Information on the Disc-Drum Wheel Bearing Biobased Grease - 120 Lbs Metal Drum, [Click Here] to Link to Manufacturer Web Site
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