5TR Proline Seamless Travertine | 48WS

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Seamless Travertine



(click image to enlarge)
Quick Overview
  • Size: 5' X 5'
  • Tools: 5TR,4TR,3TR,24TR,2TR, 2TRF

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Travertine is a sedimentary rock. Extensive deposits are found in Tivoli, Italy. Travertine is a porous finish with numerous cavities. Proline can give you the look of this beautiful natural resource in a fraction of the cost. The Italians say "Il tempo e denoro" or "time is money". Why pay a high cost for imported stone, when Proline has replicated the same look with an easy to install application. Additionally, concrete is more durable, holds up to any conditions, and can be colored to your tailored needs. We offer this Seamless Texture in a variety of 6 sizes and flexibilities. See:4TR, 3TR, 24TR, 2TR, 2TRF.
Additional Information
Manufacturer: Proline
For More Information on the Seamless Travertine, [Click Here] to Link to Manufacturer Web Site
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