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Curlex I Fibernet


American Excelsior Company

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Quick Overview

    Curlex I Fibernet

    Curlex excelsior blankets are specifically designed to promote ideal growing conditions for grass seed, while simultaneously protecting top soil from wind and water erosion. 15 roll packs only.

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Our Curlex blankets now only ship 15 rolls per order; no more single rolls

Curlex excelsior blankets are specifically designed to promote ideal growing conditions for grass seed, while simultaneously protecting top soil from wind and water erosion. Curlex excelsior blankets have long passed the test of time. By design, Curlex blankets have a built-in swell factor - wet curled excelsior fibers expand in thickness and interlock to form a strong, fiber matrix. This allows the fibers to provide intimate contact with local terrain. Water flow is trained to follow the curled fiber matrix. The roughness of the curled excelsior matrix slows the velocity to a point where gravity takes over, which allows moisture to slowly seep into the topsoil to promote ideal growing conditions. Curlex blankets consist of unique softly barbed, interlocking, curled Aspen excelsior fibers. They are weed-seed free. Curlex blankets are available with a variety of environmentally sensitive and/or stronger netting types to match job site requirements.

Suggested Specifications

Heavy Duty Excelsior Blankets


Roll Size Width 


 Shear Stress


 Curlex I FibreNet

 4, 8, 16 ft

 2H:1V & flatter

 84 Pa (1.75 lb/ft²)

 Natural or QuickGRASS® Green

Additional Information
Manufacturer: American Excelsior Company
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